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Frontiers of Research in Caribbean Science and Technology (FORECAST) Conference



In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the current steps being taken to mitigate its spread, the Faculty of Science and Technology, UWI, Mona and The Faculty of Sports and Science, UTech, Ja. have decided to postpone the staging of the FORECAST 2020 conference. Please check this website for any updates. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via email.

Keith Mitchell

Former Prime Minister of Grenada

About me

Former Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr. the Right Honourable Keith Claudius Mitchell was born to Dowlyn and Catherine Mitchell in Brizan, St. George.

He received his primary education at the Happy Hill R.C. School and the J.W. Fletcher Memorial School. He went on to the Presentation Brothers College then on to theUniversity of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, where he gained a Bachelor of ScienceDegree in Mathematics and Chemistry in 1971, followed by a Master’s Degree from Howard University in 1975 and a Doctorate in Mathematics and Statistics from American University in 1979.

As a young adult, Dr. Mitchell taught at the Presentation Brothers College, his alma mater and was also a Mathematics Professor at Howard University. He also started his own consulting firm in Washington, D.C., and provided consultancy services to many Government Departments and private corporations in the United States.

In 1984, Dr. Mitchell was elected Member of Parliament for St. George North West, and has held the seat in each subsequent election since then. He was elected Political Leader of the New National Party (NNP) in 1989.

In 1995, Dr. Mitchell successfully led the party to victory in general elections, winning eight of fifteen seats in the House of Representatives. He assumed office as PrimeMinister on June 22 that year.

Election victories in 1999, 2003, 2013 and 2018, including an unprecedented sweep of the polls on three occasions, mean that Dr. Mitchell is currently serving as Prime Minister for the fifth time.

Keith Mitchell

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Other Speakers

Judith Lang
Judith Lang

Coral Scientist, Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment Program

Ishenkumba Kahwa
Ishenkumba Kahwa

Professor of Supramolecular Chemistry, The University of the West Indies

Andrew Russell
Andrew Russell

Principal Software Engineer, Nvidia

Keith Mitchell
Keith Mitchell

Former Prime Minister of Grenada

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