Science and technology and its application to regional development
The FORECAST Grand Innovation Challenge 2022 (GIC) is to develop a feasible innovation (prototype/product/concept) that will revolutionize the management, protection, and use of water resources in the Caribbean.
Numerous organic chemicals, either directly manufactured or formed as byproducts of other processes, are released into the environment. Once there, many cause adverse effects on environmental and human systems. Of particular concern are long-lasting impacts from those organic pollutants that remain in the environment for long periods of time. The development of appropriate management strategies to address this problem requires knowledge of the environmental distributions of these pollutants.
Pesticide usage in agriculture has occurred for centuries and led to significant positive outcomes in food production and noticeable reduction in crop losses. However, pesticide usage on food crops often results in the presence of toxic pesticide residues on food produce, which is the main route of exposure to pesticides in humans. The toxicity of the pesticide residues can potentially cause debilitating effects to major human organs and body systems. Pesticide residue analysis addresses the issue of pesticide residues in foods by screening and quantifying the levels of pesticides in food commodities.
In parallel and distributed computing environments, task scheduling, where the basic idea is minimizing time loss and maximizing performance, is an absolutely critical component. Scheduling in these environments is NP-hard, so it is important that we continue to search and find the most efficient and effective ways of mapping tasks to processors. One such effective approach is known as Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). This popular optimization technique is inspired by the foraging behavior of ants in their colonies to find the shortest paths between their nests and food sources.
Loan management is a complex process that coordinates agreements among multiple stakeholders in such a way that each party benefits from the arrangement [2]. At the core of our work there is the Asset Token (ATK) which is a compliant ERC-20 token and used for all financial transactions in our proposed system. With this token in our private blockchain network [1], stakeholders can interact in a digital market. Our work includes a Non-Fungible Vehicle Token (VTK) and represents the physical vehicle. Users has access to the ownership of this NFT which prevents fraudulent transactions.
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