Lunch Break

About This Event
November 8, 2022
12:00 pm
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Day 4
9:40 am

A token-based smart contract management (TSM) DApp for vehicle loans

Loan management is a complex process that coordinates agreements among multiple stakeholders in such a way that each party benefits from the arrangement [2]. At the core of our work there is the Asset Token (ATK) which is a compliant ERC-20 token and used for all financial transactions in our proposed system. With this token in our private blockchain network [1], stakeholders can interact in a digital market. Our work includes a Non-Fungible Vehicle Token (VTK) and represents the physical vehicle. Users has access to the ownership of this NFT which prevents fraudulent transactions.

Day 3
1:35 pm

Development of a Simple Automated Image-based Sun Position Tracking Algorithm

At the inception of automated solar tracking in the 1970’s, geometric architectures with pair(/s) of solid-state photo-sensitive devices were constructed and used to detect the sun’s position. As an alternative in recent years, cameras have been used to capture and process live sky images to detect the sun’s position. When the sky is cloudy however, both approaches are prone to errors and sometimes require human intervention which tend to reduce the trackers’ economic viability [1].

Day 2
10:30 am


The burgeoning of small gourmet chocolate boutiques worldwide serves as a key driver for niche and ultra-niche marketing of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), branded as (a) geographical indication (b) estate origin or (c) based on unique genetics. Over 90% of the cacao farms globally, are small with an average size between 2 and 5 hectares and can benefit from supplying to the gourmet boutiques.

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