Lead, a well-known neurotoxin, remains environmentally abundant, arising from many natural and synthetic processes which encourage its environmental accumulation and hence, increased interactions with flora and fauna. Therefore, tremendous research efforts have been invested into developing various methods for its analysis and sequestration, however, affordability, sensitivity and selectivity still remain formidable challenges in this area and hence here is room for further exploration.
Pesticide usage in agriculture has occurred for centuries and led to significant positive outcomes in food production and noticeable reduction in crop losses. However, pesticide usage on food crops often results in the presence of toxic pesticide residues on food produce, which is the main route of exposure to pesticides in humans. The toxicity of the pesticide residues can potentially cause debilitating effects to major human organs and body systems. Pesticide residue analysis addresses the issue of pesticide residues in foods by screening and quantifying the levels of pesticides in food commodities.
Piano grass (Themeda arguens), reputed to have been introduced to Jamaica as packing material in an imported piano1 . There are about 27 varieties of this highly invasive grass/weed worldwide[1] and in Jamaica the species previously identified as Themeda arguens is of concern as it has progressively taken over lawns, pastures and roadsides [1]. The grass is of particular concern to livestock farmers due to its highly invasive and aggressive nature and the concomitant negative effect on livestock productivity, especially during its annual seeding period (November/December – April) [2], when the palatability of the grass diminishes significantly and the seed awns can cause severe damage to the mouth when consumed, and feet of livestock [2], sometimes requiring veterinary intervention.
Moderator: Mrs Paula-Ann Porter-Jones - Broadcaster & Communications Consultant. Panelists:Dr the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell - Former Prime Minister of Grenada and Former Lead Head of Government in the CARICOM Quasi Cabinet with responsibility for Science and Technology, including ICTThe Honourable Floyd Green - Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Jamaica; Professor Colin Gyles - Acting President, University of Technology, Jamaica; Professor Dale Webber - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the Mona Campus, at The University of the West Indies (UWI); Professor Clive Landis - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the Cave Hill Campus, at The University of the West Indies (UWI); Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the St Augustine Campus, at The University of the West Indies (UWI)
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