The global essential oils market has been estimated to be US$10.6b in 2021 rising to US$16.0b in 2026 [(Markets, 2021)1] as a result of growth in awareness to preventative healthcare, improvements in the standard of living, along with an increase in the demand for aromatherapy products. With the potential availability of relevant plant materials in Tobago, it is appropriate to develop a strategy for the introduction of Plant Extracts Industry in the island.
A major challenge facing farmers in Portland, Jamaica is dry weather, especially during the optimal growing season from April through August. During this five-month period Portland suffered from severe dry spells during the years 2014, 2015, 2018 and 2020. A second challenge is the damage to crops and land as well as loss of livestock due to tropical storms or hurricanes and the associated flooding. Portland farmers have suffered losses due to an active hurricane season numerous times and most recently in the years 2004, 2005, 2012 and 2020.
Piano grass (Themeda arguens), reputed to have been introduced to Jamaica as packing material in an imported piano1 . There are about 27 varieties of this highly invasive grass/weed worldwide[1] and in Jamaica the species previously identified as Themeda arguens is of concern as it has progressively taken over lawns, pastures and roadsides [1]. The grass is of particular concern to livestock farmers due to its highly invasive and aggressive nature and the concomitant negative effect on livestock productivity, especially during its annual seeding period (November/December – April) [2], when the palatability of the grass diminishes significantly and the seed awns can cause severe damage to the mouth when consumed, and feet of livestock [2], sometimes requiring veterinary intervention.
Moderator: Mrs Paula-Ann Porter-Jones - Broadcaster & Communications Consultant. Panelists:Dr the Right Honourable Keith Mitchell - Former Prime Minister of Grenada and Former Lead Head of Government in the CARICOM Quasi Cabinet with responsibility for Science and Technology, including ICTThe Honourable Floyd Green - Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Jamaica; Professor Colin Gyles - Acting President, University of Technology, Jamaica; Professor Dale Webber - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the Mona Campus, at The University of the West Indies (UWI); Professor Clive Landis - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the Cave Hill Campus, at The University of the West Indies (UWI); Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine - Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the St Augustine Campus, at The University of the West Indies (UWI)
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