A major challenge facing farmers in Portland, Jamaica is dry weather, especially during the optimal growing season from April through August. During this five-month period Portland suffered from severe dry spells during the years 2014, 2015, 2018 and 2020. A second challenge is the damage to crops and land as well as loss of livestock due to tropical storms or hurricanes and the associated flooding. Portland farmers have suffered losses due to an active hurricane season numerous times and most recently in the years 2004, 2005, 2012 and 2020.

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Day 2
10:10 am

Comparative Nutritional and Molecular Characterization of Themeda arguens (Piano Grass) from Central Jamaica

Piano grass (Themeda arguens), reputed to have been introduced to Jamaica as packing material in an imported piano1 . There are about 27 varieties of this highly invasive grass/weed worldwide[1] and in Jamaica the species previously identified as Themeda arguens is of concern as it has progressively taken over lawns, pastures and roadsides [1]. The grass is of particular concern to livestock farmers due to its highly invasive and aggressive nature and the concomitant negative effect on livestock productivity, especially during its annual seeding period (November/December – April) [2], when the palatability of the grass diminishes significantly and the seed awns can cause severe damage to the mouth when consumed, and feet of livestock [2], sometimes requiring veterinary intervention.

Day 3
11:00 am

Workshop 4: Bench top to the conveyor belt: Steps toward the commercialization of scientific innovations

The majority of scientific discoveries remain confined to dissertations and peer review publications where they remain hidden from their possible industrial applications. Given the challenges offered by current global events like environmental pollution, climate change effects, and diseases, the need for more rapid transmission of scientific discoveries from the realm of postgraduate dissertations and research papers to industrial applications is most critical. Hence, the need for a clear road map, allowing the connection of both pure and applied scientific discoveries to their industrial applications is obvious. Of course, for this to be achieved, a clear understanding of the constituent steps of such a process is germane. Hence, this brief workshop aims to map a possible path for achieving the aforementioned central goal, using previous experiences and examples.

Day 2
10:50 am

A Dietary Risk Exposure Assessment of Pesticide Residues found in Commonly Consumed Foods in Trinidad and Tobago

Pesticide usage in agriculture has occurred for centuries and led to significant positive outcomes in food production and noticeable reduction in crop losses. However, pesticide usage on food crops often results in the presence of toxic pesticide residues on food produce, which is the main route of exposure to pesticides in humans. The toxicity of the pesticide residues can potentially cause debilitating effects to major human organs and body systems. Pesticide residue analysis addresses the issue of pesticide residues in foods by screening and quantifying the levels of pesticides in food commodities.

Day 3
10:40 am

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy - Preparing your Target Using Psychohistoriography: A Jamaican perspective

In recent years there has been a resurgence in interest in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy (PAP) [1]. Initial scientific research into the utilization of these compounds were eventually suspended due to concerns related to increasing recreational use of psychedelics and their association with the rise of the “counterculture movement” in the United States [2]. However, the use of psilocybin and other psychedelics have shown promise in the treatment of mental illnesses. The efficacy of this modality of treatment has been demonstrated through clinical trials and other studies in the management of a number of mental illnesses, including some treatment resistant cases [3].

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