Invasive alien species (IAS) are implicated in the extinction or decline of numerous native aquatic species worldwide. Their negative impacts occur through mechanisms including habitat alteration, competition, predation, hybridisation, and the spread of disease (Strayer et al. 2006). Small island ecosystems are most susceptible to the impacts of IAS. Once established, freshwater IAS are difficult to eradicate without negatively impacting native species.
Forensic Crime Scene Investigators (FCSIs) are forensic practitioners who are key components to the investigative process within a legal framework. In fact, the criminal justice system considers the scientific evaluation and forensic evidence collection to be the most significant aspect of any criminal investigation and court cases. Despite this, limited literature exists on the psychological effects experienced by FCSIs from processing gruesome crime scenes on a regular basis.
The global essential oils market has been estimated to be US$10.6b in 2021 rising to US$16.0b in 2026 [(Markets, 2021)1] as a result of growth in awareness to preventative healthcare, improvements in the standard of living, along with an increase in the demand for aromatherapy products. With the potential availability of relevant plant materials in Tobago, it is appropriate to develop a strategy for the introduction of Plant Extracts Industry in the island.
Globally, STEM scientists are the apex of novel innovation and cutting-edge research and development. While, patents are inextricably linked to innovation, research, and development, both undergraduate and graduate STEM students rarely invent, and those that do almost never invent twice. The thesis of this presentation is three-fold: (1) The understanding, value, benefits, and basics of intellectual property (IP) creation and invention are fundamentally missing in STEM curricula; (2) There are few (if any) incentives for STEM researchers to create and file patent applications within the University environment; and (3) Patent filling assistance programs (pro se) provide pro bono outreach and education to applicants. The key tenants of this presentation are reduced to practice as it relates to pro se patent filings of West Indies inspired invention to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in 2021 and 2022. Three examples of West Indies conceived and awarded IP by a lead inventor domiciled in Anguilla, BWI (Patent Nos. 10,934,168, 11,219,255, and 11,298,375). Further, a permanent patent filling, titled: “Innocuous Sterilant using Hemocyanin and Functionalized Fullerenes with Broad-Spectrum Intracellular and Interstitial Microbiocidal and Radical Scavenging Effects for Packaged Matter, Biologics and Organics including Liquids, Gases, Tissue, Organs, Cells, and Limbs with Copper Mediated Oxygenation for Viability and Preservation” is under review and awaiting a first office action offering broad evidence of origination of IP in the West Indies. As case studies for this presentation, two pieces of IP are examined: The permanent patent and a recently filed provisional application that teaches a minimally invasive and unassisted robotic surgical method for atomic scale manipulation of funtionalized nanoparticles to perform high precision “nano surgery”.
The burgeoning of small gourmet chocolate boutiques worldwide serves as a key driver for niche and ultra-niche marketing of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.), branded as (a) geographical indication (b) estate origin or (c) based on unique genetics. Over 90% of the cacao farms globally, are small with an average size between 2 and 5 hectares and can benefit from supplying to the gourmet boutiques.
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