About This Event

In this paper, the authors are exploring emerging trends in data utilising longitudinal analysis.Longitudinal studies are typically observational studies wherein a participant's outcomes, and possible treatments or exposures, are collected at multiple times on the same individual. These studies have no limit on the timespan and as such, can last up to several decades. Though shorter time frames are not recommended, the key is for the study to extend beyond a singular time point, ideally three or more[1]. Conducting longitudinal studies are beneficial as it allows one to follow subjects in real time, which allows researchers to have a better understanding of the sequence of events[1].

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Day 3
11:00 am

Workshop 4: Bench top to the conveyor belt: Steps toward the commercialization of scientific innovations

The majority of scientific discoveries remain confined to dissertations and peer review publications where they remain hidden from their possible industrial applications. Given the challenges offered by current global events like environmental pollution, climate change effects, and diseases, the need for more rapid transmission of scientific discoveries from the realm of postgraduate dissertations and research papers to industrial applications is most critical. Hence, the need for a clear road map, allowing the connection of both pure and applied scientific discoveries to their industrial applications is obvious. Of course, for this to be achieved, a clear understanding of the constituent steps of such a process is germane. Hence, this brief workshop aims to map a possible path for achieving the aforementioned central goal, using previous experiences and examples.

Day 2
2:05 pm


The goal of harnessing our biodiversity to bring health and wealth to the people living in the Caribbean Region got a boost recently courtesy of a 2016 IUCN project entitled ‘Advancing the Nagoya Protocol in Countries of the Caribbean Region’ that had five components. This project was commissioned by eight governments (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago) with GEF funding, had UNEP as its Implementing Agency and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as the Executing Agency.

Day 1
4:00 pm

Opening of Conference Space Orientation and Ice Breaker Activities in the Gather.Town space

Opening of Conference Space Orientation and Ice Breaker Activities in the Gather.Town space

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